
Super Best Friend #1&2 - A 44 Page Superhero Adventure Comic by Jason Inman

Created by Jason Inman

Welcome to SUPER BEST FRIEND, an exciting comic series from Ringo Award nominated writer Jason Inman (Jupiter Jet & Super Soldiers), artist George Kambadais (The Black Ghost & Buckhead) letterer Taylor Esposito (Beef Bros & Red Hood) and editor Brittany Matter (Miranda in the Maelstrom & Jupiter Jet and the Forgotten Radio) that follows young MATTIE MOORE who records the exploits of his best friend and superhero, CAPTAIN TERRIFIC. Plus, don't miss our STUNNING Variant Cover by COMICS LEGEND Dan Jurgens (Death of Superman, Captain America & Booster Gold)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sneak Peek at the Super Best Friend #3 Cover
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 08:39:59 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Super Best Friend Issue 2 Video Commentary!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 10:42:04 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Super Best Friend Original Art at San Diego Comic Con 2022
about 2 years ago – Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 07:23:51 PM

Hey Superfriends,

During last weekend's San Diego Comic Con, I met up with a few of my Super Best Friend collaborators. Here's an amazing surprise I received while I was there!

Our inker John Livesay gave me his original inked page from the Super Best Friend #2 variant cover! It's an amazing piece in person, and this picture doesn't do it justice. I would like to thank John for giving me such a wonderful gift.

But that wasn't the only Super Best Friend collaborator I met there!

Comic Legend Dan Jurgens, artist of our variant cover, received a copy of our book from me personally. In addition to Dan mentioning how awesome the book turned out, I asked him to sign my copy personally! (Now I have to find frames for these amazing works!)

I would like to thank you again for your support. Working with artists like John and Dan that I've admired for years is a dream come true.

In speaking of excellent artists, Sarah Leuver shared a sneak peek of her variant cover for Issue 3. I’ve included a small preview just for you!


Victor Dandridge, my good friend and an excellent creator, has just released a new all-ages superhero book called Kinder Guardians. Here's what it's all about…

Meet The Kinder Guardians: Lectron, Pollux, Castor, SunMoon, Cub, Pep, and Horus -- they're the sons and daughters of the world's greatest champions, learning the power of teamwork and training to be the heroes of tomorrow...all while enjoying hilarious misadventures along the way!

It's like Muppet Babies with superpowers, like Justice League for kids (or the kid-at-heart). A Saturday morning cartoon that you can read, this is one comic adventure series that should come with milk and cereal!

Created by Victor Dandridge and Justin Castaneda, Wonder Care Presents: The Kinder Guardians has been a pop-comic phenomenon since making its world premiere at Wizard World Chicago in 2014, as both a fan-favorite comic AND an award-winning web-series winning the S.P.A.C.E. Prize in 2015!


That's it Super Friends! I hope you're enjoying Issue 2! Video Commentary on that issue is coming soon!


Jason Inman

Fulfillment is Complete!!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 10:01:20 PM

Hey Superfriends!

I am thrilled to announce that the fulfilment of Physical books and Digital books for Super Best Friend #1-2 is complete! The only people whose books haven't been in put in the mail yet are -- 

  • Friends / Co-workers whose books I am going to hand deliver.
  • Or people that haven't completed their survey! (I can't mail out your rewards if I don't know your address, so get on that -- There's 10 of you out there still!)

If you're an international backer, hopefully all of you will receive your books by the end of this month. IF you don't get your books by mid-August, reach out to me and we can see where they're at.

There are a few other digital rewards I need to complete ala Script Reviews, Zoom Calls and that Video Commentary on Issue 2 now that you've all read the issue. I'll knock all of those out post San Diego Comic Con this weekend. 

Speaking of San Diego Comic Con -- 

If any of you amazing SUPER BEST FRIEND BACKERS are going to be in attendance, please stop by our Geek History Lesson Meetup this Saturday on 7/23. 


We're gearing up for the third and final issue. George Kambadais has begin work on the final cover in between his many DC Comics gigs (He's comic famous now and I'm so happy for him!). Meanwhile, I am completing the script on the final issue and saying goodbye to Mattie Moore. 

I've also -- 

  • Secured a COMICS LEGEND to provide a Variant Cover for our final issue, and will reveal them soon. Someone, I've always wanted to work with. 
  • Plus Sarah Leuver has begun work on her final Variant Cover for the Issue to complete her variant series! 

As soon as I know the exact date for final campaign, I will shoot you all an update. Plus, I'll give you some sneak peeks and more over the next couple of months. So stay tuned!

Thanks again for supporting SUPER BEST FRIEND. 

All the best, 

Jason Inman

Fulfillment Begins!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 05:03:27 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.